where to invest money for short term

where to invest money for short term


What is a short-term investment?

The short-term investment means investing money for a short time which provides a considerable return after that period.

Usually, the investors are not want to invest money for long period, they want more returns in a small period so they choose the small-term investment.

Also, the Short term Investment is of lower risk and gets expected return in a small time.

Some Best Short term Investment options :

  • Dept Instrument

  • Money Market Account

  • Post office time deposits

  • Bank Fixed deposit

  • Recurring deposit.

  • Gold or Silver

  • Mutual Funds


1)Dept Instrument

Dept Instrument is a very good choice for investing for those who don’t want the risk.

Securing the Capital gives good results. It can give return up to 10.5 %

2) Money Market Account 

Also known as ‘Liquid Funds’.It is made to secure your capital and gives a good return.

With maturity period of 90 days, it doesn’t have any Lock-in period and give high liquidity and low rist among mutual funds.

3)Post office time deposite

It is the most safest and best short-term investment.Post office time deposite gives accured return and Very popular in rular area.

4)Bank Fixed deposit

Also known as short-term investment saving instrument in which indusual put a LUM-SUMP ammount in bank for short period. It is also known for safest investment option gives fixed rate of intrest on investment gives accured return.

5) Recuuring deposit.

Recuuring deposit comes with minimum lock in period of one month.

For tenuar of 12 or more months, the intrest rate is 6.5 % per annum.Also the safest short-term investment.

6)Gold or Silver

Most popular and acciant short-term investment and also long-term investment.

These investments are sure to give huge return as the pricing of gold and silver increases every day. This is risk-free investment.

7)Mutual Funds

Gives high liquidity with high return on investment .One can invest in mutual funds for 3-4 yars. It gives return at rate of 8 to 10%.


So these are some short-term investment you can invest and get huge return.

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